Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Where are the Others?

I ask God often, "Where are the others?" never dreaming that he was raising up fellow sufferers in my midst and then I realized! "That means they are feeling like I have felt, oh, NO! That's not what I meant!!" I have never felt so torn before about the truths of the cross. Knowing that I desire others to stay the corse to endure to bear up under the cost to  continue in the path of affliction, but I don't desire others to suffer or to be abased! I want people to understand what it is to walk along after Christ but I forget that means they must bear a cross, they must become like christ is!

Monday, November 5, 2012

Wanting NORMAL

If you aren't already laughing I hope you will imagine five crazy children in one small apartment with two tired parents and a whole lot of sin and struggles and then feel free to laugh....hard!

 You may be thinking like I know the people in the grocery store ALWAYS do, is normal even possible?