Thursday, December 1, 2011

Footing #4

The Prophet Jeremiah has been a deep and unending encouragement for me. Not because he was a great success by any measure, but because he was always faithful. When left for days in the mire (picture an outhouse hole) he still spoke the words of truth, when threatened with death a every turn he still preached God's authority above all else, when dragged away to Egypt where he knew God said never to go again lest they be cursed he believed God was enough, when God told him never to marry and that his life would be one of loneliness he didn't pull a Benedict Arnold, when all his work was burned by the king's men (chapters and chapters of parchment(picture ancient scrolls) lost in moments--we are talking a whole lotta work here people) he patiently and carefully rewrote what we know today as the book of Jeremiah(its like 52 chapters and that's in English typed not hand written on parchment), when no one--and I mean NO ONE--believed a word he spoke even as his prophesies came true did he sit down and shut up and lose all hope? No, he kept preaching, kept standing, kept moving, kept trusting. And yes he did have his weaker moments, like when he called God to punish the nations, but he then turns around (like moses) and stood in the gap for his people.