Thursday, September 1, 2011

Footing #2

Standing on His promises are wrapped up in obedience and are a reflection of Christ's life here on this earth. If we are being formed into the image of Christ, won't our life here, look very similar to His life here? If in Heaven when we see him we will be like Him for we shall see him as he is, right? We all perceive this truth in our lives to some extent, even when we aren't followers of him.

A good way to explain what I mean is using the example that was given when I watched an interview with a holocaust survivor (if you are interested in that video or others click here, but remember you will probably take several days watching just one interview). The survivor was relaying her experience after she came to America where she was reunited with her family(those who had escaped in the early 1930's) after the war. The interviewer asked this woman if she was able to speak with her family about the Holocaust or Shoah and she simply said something to the effect that "They were normal, they had these lives where the war meant standing in line for nylons or playing poker for oil cans to use your car. They just couldn't comprehend the experience of struggling for your life, having typhus, being hunted like a rabbit, not having shoes for years on end, not being able to use even a jacket because of it's lice infestation, losing your entire family. They just could not comprehend it at all. So I did not speak of it."